Our Holiday Photos

Where in the world are Dave and Hayley?

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Tuesday 10 April 2007


Yuk. Didn't like it much. Hotel was the "Auto Park" - yes as dodgey as it sounds. Spent 12 hours on the bus... (Italian can't drive lots of accidents) didn't get our dinner til 11pm. Experienced some rude Italians (don't blame them really - for every 1 local there are 16 tourists). Climbed 462 steps (and back down) up to the top of a huge cathedral dome (very claustrophobic). Had some dodgey food and slept on hard beds... woot.
Saw statue of David and some other awesome statues and paintings on a city walking tour. They have tourist police so you have to be qualified to lead a group around the city. Their water tastes like asprin,. That night we had dinner with another Contiki group, awesome 5 course meal with lots of performances and wine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.